Beyond shipping: how can practical details impact on your budget?
This is what happened to Abrasivos Belgrano (AB Abrasivos), a company from Argentina dedicated to manufacture abrasive products designed to polishing marble and granite. AB relies on its distribution at international level, and its target has always been offering good delivery times that could satisfy the market demands.
That’s why their distribution logistics must be very precise. Classifying their products was quite complex – but not impossible. Europartners Argentina’s Team was by their side to facilitate the whole process.
The result? Europartners Argentina used the good relations we have with customs brokers to help us bring AB’s costs down. Those trustworthy professionals advised how to classify goods more accurately and apply the correct classification procedures, with lower import tariffs.
This is what our global logistics company can give your business: more. We work everyday to understand deeply your needs, difficulties and great daily challenges faced by your operations teams, so you dedicate more time to grow in your markets (and new ones!), trusting that your import/export procedures are in good hands.
Trust Europartners Group. Always fast, friendly and dedicated. Contact us today!